Performance, Risk, and Attribution

Case Study

Pension Fund Performance and Risk Analytics Assessment

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Thought Leadership

Charting the Course: Enhancing Performance Through Effective Private Market and External Manager Practices by Jose Michaelraj, CIPM, CAIA

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Thought Leadership

Facing the Challenges of Mergers and Acquisitions by Jonathan Boersma, CFA

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Performance encompasses risk and return measurement and is at the heart of investment management. Whether absolute, benchmark relative, or risk-adjusted, performance is what asset managers sell and what investors buy. Regardless of the audience – internal, external, regulatory, or marketing – performance data must be accurate and timely. Firms invest heavily in the tools, systems, and processes to generate returns and evaluate risk, yet many overlook the data resources necessary to measure, analyze, and report them. To be successful, you must be able to tell a story – the who, when, why, and how – of your investment process. Proper performance measurement and attribution systems and processes provide proof points and historical data substantiating your investment hypothesis.

Performance reporting challenges your data like no other business function; Meradia experts focus on data quality, integration, and provenance to ensure surprise-free implementation and efficient operational transformations.

Meradia’s consultants and subject matter experts have extensive experience helping asset managers through the entire solution development cycle, from designing bespoke attribution methodologies to user acceptance testing and new performance operating procedures. We are intimately familiar with available vendor solutions and can guide you confidently through RFP, selection, and proof-of-concept.

GIPS® Advisory

Meradia provides strategic advisory to transform your operations with global best practices. We also help firms comply with and implement the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®), provide pre-verification services, and keep up to date with existing and forthcoming investment performance regulations.

GIPS® is a registered trademark owned by CFA Institute. CFA Institute does not endorse or promote this organization, nor does it warrant the accuracy or quality of the content contained herein.

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