Maximizing Value In Asset Management: A Closer Look At Insourced Operations

INVESTMENT OPERATIONS IS AN ASSET, NOT A LIABILITY What is the role of investment operations in asset management? Should asset managers insource, outsource, or use managed services? The decision is a difficult one. Discussions around modern target operating models and how to utilize investment operations have highlighted the benefits of outsourcing middle and back-office functions.

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Revolutionize Investment Operations With AI-Driven Data Catalogs

Are you looking to stand up or revise a data catalog? Is understanding your data one of your company’s goals or principles? Understanding the full scope of your data involves a top-down understanding and a bottom-up inventory. This provides valuable insights into your current state to enable multiple efforts to be launched at your firm, but who has the time? The new methodology developed using AI technology and industry expertise reduced the time and client resources required to inventory data and stand up a catalog to a fraction of the normal amount. In this paper, we share the methodology and tools to help you achieve your firm’s goals both effectively and efficiently.

by Andrew Jacob, CFA, Senior Consultant
Kevin Coffin, CIPM, Zengines, Head of Customer Success

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Vital Elements for Effective Execution of a Proof of Concept

A Proof of Concept (PoC) is a crucial step when evaluating new technology. In addition to testing a vendor’s core capabilities, a PoC is an opportunity to confirm the system’s functionality, efficiency, and compatibility with unique business requirements. In previous articles, we’ve discussed the importance of a well-defined PoC scope and documenting the results. In

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The Value of Exception-Based Processing

For many in the asset management industry, their days are spent combing through sets of data looking for problems. This is often a result of legacy technology (or inadequately utilizing modern technology) and layered manual controls. There is a better way. Modern technology offers exception-based processing capabilities that bring the power of business rule-driven automation

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Attribution for Asset Owners

While much has been written about attribution in the context of individual asset classes, the asset owner confronts a much more complex scenario. In the interest of maximizing return/risk payoff (often subject to external mandates, liability streams, and risk constraints), asset owners frequently diversify their total fund amongst multiple asset classes: equity, fixed income, hedged

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Data-Centric KPIs Enable Effective Management of Investment Performance Operations

Consider the irony… Performance departments exert their time and energy to calculate performance results that inform consumers of the impacts of their decisions on investments. Though Performance executes complex calculations and solves firm-wide data challenges for consumers’ benefit, oftentimes they forget to measure the most important performance of all… their own. This fourth installment of the Performance is Data Series explores exactly how Investment Performance teams can embark on a key performance indicator (KPI) centered approach to measure more than just the performance of others and introspectively assess operations.

by Clay Corcimiglia

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Solving for Scale: Thought Leadership Webinar

Ready to unlock the secrets behind achieving remarkable growth while maintaining operational excellence? Join four industry experts for a deep dive into the world of investment operations to find out how asset management firms are navigating the delicate balance between expansion and profitability.

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Implementation Handbook: Capturing PoC Insights for Future Implementation

In the current technology landscape, where successful digital transformation leads to more efficient operations, the choice of vendor can often be the defining factor between success and failure. “Implementation Handbook: Capturing PoC Insights for Future Implementation” emphasizes the importance of thoroughly documenting each facet of a vendor Proof of Concept (PoC) facet to assist with analyzing findings and provide a comprehensive and organization-specific guide for implementation. This guide will increase a firm’s odds of successful implementation.

by Nicol O’Connor

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Don’t Be Afraid of the Mesh

You cannot avoid hearing the term, but what is implied by the term ‘data mesh’? It is the latest step in architecture, governance, and data management evolution. We have lived (or view the history) through the databases to data warehouses, data virtualization, and then to data lakes and now lake-houses. Companies in our industry acknowledge the shortcomings of these frameworks, including accrued technical debt, ongoing and rising costs, and sprawling data lakes, which have not delivered the promised land to analysts and operational business users.

by Andrew Jacob, CFA

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Natural Allies: Investment Performance and the Data Office

This paper proposes that Investment Performance was (and in many cases, is) the original Data Office where governance issues come to a head. If this logic is true, starting a Data Governance effort with Investment Performance takes advantage of a natural ally already positioned to solve those very problems. This natural alliance may be the most efficient mechanism to understand the strengths and weaknesses of an enterprise’s existing data strategy and potentially advance efforts to resolve them rapidly. Starting with that premise, this paper looks at how a new or revamped data governance program would benefit from either starting at the end of the investment value chain – Investment Performance – or by aligning the Data Office and Investment Performance under the Chief Data Officer (CDO). As many Meradia projects intersect Data and Investment Performance, this paper highlights the synergies and overlap between these functions.

by Laurie Hesketh, CIPM, PMP
Andrew Jacob, CFA

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