Top 3 Reasons Why Asset Owners Should Claim GIPS® Compliance

Compliance with the GIPS standards is widely adopted within the institutional asset management industry as it is considered the industry’s best practice for calculating and reporting investment performance. Asset owners’ need for reliable and transparent investment performance when evaluating and hiring outsourced investment managers is a major reason for the rise in the Standards’ popularity. In recent years, the industry has seen a trend in asset owners’ turning their attention to their own investment performance reporting and adopting the GIPS standards. This movement has now gained momentum with CFA Institute’s release of guidance specific to asset owners to make adoption of the standards easier. Aside from better-fit guidance allowing for easier implementation, why are asset owners interested in claiming compliance with the GIPS standards?

by Alicia Spencer, CIPM, Senior Manager

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Key Operational Considerations for Crypto Investment Managers

As demand for crypto offerings intensifies, asset managers entering this market are facing new operational challenges that are unique to this emerging asset class. This article highlights regulatory, valuation, performance, and safekeeping aspects of traditional managers’ operations that require a special approach when it comes to digital currencies.

by Natasha Romanova, CIPM, Consultant

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Composites: Considering the New SEC Marketing Rule and the GIPS Standards

The November 4, 2022 deadline for the new SEC Marketing Rule requires firms to create and maintain composites in order to market their performance. Many investment managers are looking to the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) for guidance and best practices, leading some to consider taking the necessary steps to claim GIPS compliance. Here, we address some of the most frequently asked questions about this process.

by Jonathan A. Boersma, CFA
Natasha E. Romanova, CIPM

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Demystifying Sleeve-Level Reporting: Creating Operational Efficiencies While Satisfying Demand for Accuracy and Transparency

Today, many wealth management firms seek to find the right balance between meeting client needs and achieving scalability. Using model portfolios and technology to efficiently implement trade decisions across an entire book of business optimizes the operating model. However, this approach may cause significant hurdles when it comes to client reporting and Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) composite reporting. This article dives into the concept of sleeves – what they are, why they exist, common performance reporting problems and how one technology provider aims to address these challenges.

by Tina M. Madel, CFA, Wealth Practice Lead…

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The Wave of Mandatory ESG Financial Disclosures Has Begun. When Will the Wave Hit the U.S.?

Over the past two years, the world has seen Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) disclosure requirements grow at a rapid pace, and the first sets of ESG financial disclosures go into effect. Now, a trend of mandatory ESG financial disclosures has begun. From required stress tests in Q1 2022 mandated by the European Central Bank to New Zealand’s new law enshrining a global climate-related disclosure framework, 2022 will go down in history as a period of change. Here, we help investment managers understand mandated requirements and what U.S.-based companies can expect in 2022.

by Andrew R. Jacob, CFA, Consultant…

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2022 Industry Outlook: Investment Performance

Investment performance teams are under pressure to adapt to economic and market volatility amid rapid industry consolidation, operational outsourcing and technological disruption. When working with institutional asset managers, asset owners, wealth managers, insurers, and asset servicing vendors, Meradia has observed the impact of these trends firsthand. Here, we examine the forces at play and how the industry may evolve in 2022 and beyond.

by the Meradia Investment Performance Practice

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3 Red Flags You Are Missing Business Transformation Opportunities

Have you selected a new investment operations system to replace your legacy technology and manual workarounds? Or have you decided to outsource investment operations to a service provider?

Both efforts are significant, and likely the largest your part of the organization has ever seen. Are you making the right decisions? Or are you missing a golden opportunity to advance your business and improve the way you work? Here are three red flags you’re overlooking business transformation opportunities.

by Brian J. Lollar, Managing Director…

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Bigger Isn’t Always Better: How Niche Consulting Firms Add Meaningful Value – Part 1

As the famous author Oscar Wilde once said, “The answers are all out there, we just need to ask the right questions.”

This concept can be applied to the broad world of consulting. All consulting firms, regardless of size, are tasked with fulfilling a client’s business objective. They provide requisite guidance and pertinent information at critical decision-making points. However, in a crowded market with many options to choose from, how can you be certain you have the best consultant for the job? It comes down to asking the right questions and understanding your needs. Here, we explore the unique value-add of a niche consulting firm.

by Jose R. Michaelraj, CIPM, CAIA, Senior Consultant

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