How Investment Management Firms Benefit from Engaging the Right Consultant

During an era when critical skills are in short-supply and valuable IT and business personnel spend most of their working hours in meetings, consultants can make the meaningful difference between a project’s success or failure. The right consultant brings diverse skills, broad perspectives and an understanding of both business and technology. In addition, consultants are best positioned to contribute in a way seldom possible by others since they can apply focus and attention to the task at hand – something that is difficult for full time employees to do when they are juggling competing demands and BAU tasks. This article:
• delves into business problems prevalent in many investment management firms, especially in vendor product evaluations and implementations;
• deals with how an outside consultant can play a significant, contributory role; and
• leverages a practical use case to demonstrate key benefits and tangible results delivered by a Meradia consultant who moved an almost failing project to a successful outcome.

by Jose R. Michaelraj, CIPM, Senior Consultant

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The Investment Performance Technology Landscape, 2020

What are the key differences between investment performance measurement systems in the market? How are these tools evolving to better meet industry needs? These are important questions for firms considering significant investment in a new or upgraded toolset. Meradia has first-hand knowledge of many of the top systems in the market accrued from direct implementation efforts and have combined this knowledge with product strategy to provide insights on where the industry is progressing and to highlight disrupting themes. This is useful for investment performance professionals as a precursor to an RFP and/or an aid to firms considering a system change.

by Laurie J. Hesketh, CIPM, PMP, Managing Director

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Performance Reporting Considerations: Environmental, Social and Governance Investment Strategies

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investment strategies and other portfolio management strategies that accentuate societal impact into the investment management process are burgeoning in popularity. Changing attitudes and demographics suggest that clients are increasingly interested in using their investment dollars to make positive impacts.

These new impact strategies challenge traditional investment performance reporting. This article examines the core characteristics of impact investing, barriers to improved performance reporting and tools to navigate this changing landscape.

by Laurie J. Hesketh, CIPM, PMP, Managing Director

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