UAT for Performance Transformations Is Notoriously Difficult. It Doesn’t Need To Be.

…or break the testing effort. Components of Test Complexity: Domains, Formats, and Volume Test complexity is the product of data domain, format, and volume. The data domain, or data content, introduces unique complexities for consideration. Testing performance returns vastly differ from testing analytics. Further, testing attribution results is even more complex as both the underlying returns and the attribution results…

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For example, from the forms You complete on our Service, preferences You express or provide through our Service. Indirectly from You. For example, from observing Your activity on our Service. Automatically from You. For example, through cookies We or our Service Providers set on Your Device as You navigate through our Service. From Service Providers. For example, third-party vendors to…

What Exactly is a Performance Book of Record (PBOR) and Why is it Important to Next-Level Growth Across the Investment Management Industry?

…enterprise-wide data to generate the information the middle office relies upon to answer front office requests. Middle office teams and PBOR solutions are responsible for supplying every bit of information needed for complex reporting for investment board packages, fund prospectuses, private holding valuations or composite household reporting. A performance book of record supports all these complex information requests through a…

The Wave of Mandatory ESG Financial Disclosures Has Begun. When Will the Wave Hit the U.S.?

…to develop initiatives to proactively identify ESG-related misconduct.[xxiii] The SEC also opened a period to solicit comments from the public about mandatory climate reporting. Over 550 comments were received, of which three out of every four comments supported mandatory climate-related financial disclosures. As a result, Chair Gary Gensler indicated that the SEC would have a proposed rule by the end…

The AI Revolution: Must-Knows for Financial Operations Leaders

…Harvard Business Review, 11 Aug. 2023, “Driving Business Success in Financial Services with Real-World Data.” Informatica.Com, Accessed 10 Oct. 2023. P., A. (2023, April 18). Personalized Banking: How Banks are Using Data Analytics and AI to Tailor Services to Individual Customers. Wu, Shijie, et al. “BloombergGPT: A Large Language Model for Finance.” arXiv.Org, 9 May 2023,….

What is a Performance Book of Record (PBOR), and Why is it Important to Leverage Data as an Asset and Driver of Growth?

…systems. Performance operations also involve deep data governance activities to hold together the layers of data needed by a firm to generate meaningful analysis on complex investment strategies. For example, lagged versus non-lagged valuations can require two completely independent sets of performance results. Other challenges to traditional performance systems include managing multiple versions of accounting data for the same investment…


…local culture and learning to cook the local cuisine. Jonathan Boersma, CFA Jonathan Boersma, CFA oversees projects for Meradia’s investment performance practice, including operational outsourcing, compliance, and consulting services for firms adopting the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®). He leverages 28 years of financial services experience to guide clients through the complex strategic assessments and operational transformations. Jonathan blends strategic…

Charting the Course: Enhancing Performance Through Effective Private Market and External Manager Practices

…pension funds in the United States outsource performance to custodians for official reporting. However, analytics generation for portfolio management and monitoring remains predominantly within the firm. Sophisticated Benchmarking – The complexity of public and private asset mix with overlays necessitates sophisticated blends of target factors and comparable benchmarks. Substitutions and benchmark specific override calculations are common practice. Complex Account Structures…

Hedge Fund and Private Equity: Investment Performance Challenges

…Journal of Performance Measurement, Summer 2008 [ii] Inside Private Equity: A Professional Investors Handbook – James M. Kocis, James C. Bachman IV, Austin M. Long III & Craig J. Nickels. [iii] Global Investment Performance Standards: Guidance Statement on Private Equity [iv] Cambridge Associates publishes several private equity indexes: [v] Hedge Fund Research publishes several hedge fund indexes:…

Selecting a Data Aggregation Vendor? Here Are 5 Questions You Should Ask

and the client. Any firm aggregating for an ABOR must understand the quality control checks done by the vendor and augment this service in-house, as necessary. Question #3: What is the process for onboarding client accounts? In today’s world of instant online access to data, your users may assume that setup is easy and completed in minutes. That is a…

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